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10th Kosrae State Legislative Resolutions

L.r. No.  Title                                                                                                            

L.R. No. 10-01

Proposing amendments to Section 2 and Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution of Kosrae State, for the purpose of reducing the number of Senators from fourteen (14) to ten (10) and reapportioning the number of Senators representing each electoral district or municipality of Kosrae State.

L.R. No. 10-02

Proposing an amendment to the Kosrae State Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, to remove the term requirement for members of the Legislature.

L.R. No. 10-03

Directing the State Election Commission to hold a referendum on the question whether there shall be a convention to amend the Constitution.

L.R. No. 10-04

Thanking Congressman David W. Panuelo for his benevolent contribution to Walung Elementary School and the Parents and Teachers Association of Walung.

L.R. No. 10-05

Directing the State Election Commission to hold a referendum on the question whether there shall be a convention to amend the Constitution.

L.R. No. 10-06

Calling the Governor of the Kosrae State to exercise the State of Kosrae's right to terminate the Joint Venture Agreement between the successor in interest to SEMO, Korea and the State of Kosrae.

L.R No. 10-07

Expressing utmost gratitude and appreciation to United Airlines Inc. - Kosrae for its extra voluntary community services and support.

L.R. No. 10-08

Consenting to the nomination of Dr. Livinson A. Taulung to serve as the Director of the Department of Health Services.

L.R. No. 10-09

Consenting to the nomination of Tulensru Waguk, PhD to serve as the Director of the Department of Education.

L.R. No. 10-10

Expressing utmost gratitude and appreciation to Bank of Guam-Kosrae Branch for its voluntary community services to the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-11

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Weston N. Luckymis to serve as the Director of the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure.

L.R. No. 11-12

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Alik S. Isaac to serve as the Director of the Department of Administration and Finance.

L.R. No. 11-13

Amending Rules 3.4, 3.6, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.6 of the Rules of Procedures for Kosrae State Legislature, for purpose of establishing the new Standing Committee of Municipal, Cultural and Social Affairs and mandating the Legislative Counsel to supervise and direct the work of the Legal Aides.

L.R. No. 11-14

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Lyndon L. Cornelius to be Director of the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs.

L.R. No. 11-15

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Chang B. William to serve as the Associate Justice for the Kosrae State Court.

L.R. No. 11-16

Approving the lease agreement between Kosrae State Government and Black-Micro Corporation for the use of Okat Dock Warehouse.

L.R. No. 11-17

To supplement L.R. No. 10-284, L.D.1, by increasing the total funds estimated to be available from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015.

L.R. No. 11-18

To supplement L.R. No. 10-284, L.D.1, by increasing the total funds estimated to be available from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015.

L.R. No. 11-19

To recognize and honor former Senator Palikun M. Shrew of Malem Municipality for his many years of dedicated service to the Kosrae State Legislature and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-20

To recognize and honor former Senator Jefferson M. Timothy of Malem Municipality for his many years of dedicated service to the Kosrae State Legislature and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-21

Requesting the Governor of Kosrae State to restrict off-island travel of certain executive officials and employees to render their availability during legislative sessions.

L.R. No. 11-22

Requesting FSM Congress to amend Public Law No. 18-107 to grant the State Government the discretion to determine the optimum use of the additional 20% increased of revenue sharing for the State Government.

L.R. No. 11-23

Urging Governor Lyndon H. Jackson to assist the Lelu Senior Citizen of their aspiration to use public land located at the Lelu Causeway adjecent to the National Aquaculture Center for purpose to establish a trading center or market for agricultural goods and produce.

L.R. No. 11-24

Expressing deepest sympathy of the 11th Kosrae State Legislature for the victims and survivors of the devastating super typhoon Maysak.

L.R. No. 11-25

To recognize and honor former Senator Jefferson M. Timothy of Malem Municipality for his many years of dedicated service to the Kosrae State Legislature and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-26

Expressing the support and position of the 11th Kosrae State Legislature in relation to FSM's accession to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

L.R. No. 11-27

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Smith T. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority.

L.R. No. 11-28

Amending Rule 3.4, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.6 of the Rules of Procedures for Kosrae State Legislature, for purpose of establishing the new Standing Committee of Municipal, Cultural and Social Affairs.

L.R. No. 11-29

Amending Rule 3.6 of the Rules of Procedures for Kosrae State Legislature to mandate the Legislative Counsel to supervise and direct the work of the Legal Aides.

L.R. No. 11-30

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Winton Clarence to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae State Housing Authority.

L.R. No. 11-31

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Palikkun Kilafwasru to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae State Housing Authority.

L.R. No. 11-32

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Jonah Nena to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae State Housing Authority.

L.R. No. 11-33

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Arthur Jonas to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae State Housing Authority.

L.R. No. 11-34

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Paul Aaron to serve as a member of the Price Control Commission.

L.R. No. 11-35

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Linson Waguk to serve as a member of the Price Control Commission.

L.R. No. 11-36

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Ann Noda to serve as a member of the Price Control Commission.

L.R No. 11-37

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Salik Thomson to serve as a member of the Price Control Commission.

L.R. No. 11-38

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Hairom Livaie to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae Utility Authority.

L.R. No. 11-39

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Skipper Ittu to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board of Directors.

L.R. No. 11-40

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Norinston Joe to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board of Directors.

L.R. No. 11-41

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Vinton Benjamin to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-42

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Nena M. William to serve as a member of the Price Control Commission.

L.R. No. 11-43

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. George A. Tilfas to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae State Housing Authority.

L.R. No. 11-44

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Alokoa E. Sigrah to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-45

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Jacob T. Isaac to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-46

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Tara Y. Tara to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-47

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Marciano Waguk to serve a member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-48

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Jorim Mike to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-49

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Isao Mike to serve as a member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-50

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Kun J. Kun to serve as a member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-51

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Marciano Waguk to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-52

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Moses C. Timothy to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-53

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilton Waguk to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R No. 11-54

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Switson Robert to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-55

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Salik Talley to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-56

Consenting to the nomination of Ms. Martha C. Segal to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-57

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Barry I. Mongkeya to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-58

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Joseph Killin to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-59

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Yoshiro Andon to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-60

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Clain B. William to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-61

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Beaker Jerry to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-62

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Isaac S. Isaac to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-63

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Nena M. Tolenoa to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae Utility Authority.

L.R. No. 11-64

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Sidney I. Jesse to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Visitors Bureau.

L.R. No. 11-65

Consenting to the nomination of Ms. Andriet R. Tilfas to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Visitors Bureau.

L.R. No. 11-66

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Hamilson Phillip to serve as a member of the Kosrae Visitors Bureau.

L.R. No. 11-67

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Hamilson Phillip to serve as a member of the Kosrae Visitors Bureau.

L.R. No. 11-68

Approving the lease agreement between Kosrae State Government and Liancheng Overseas Fishery Co. Ltd.

L.R. No. 11-69

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Quartus Esau to serve as a member of the Kosrae Price Control Commission

L.R No. 11-70

Calling for support of the esteemed members of the 19th FSM Congress to the nomination of Mrs. Lorrie Johnson-Asher to serve as Chief Public Defender for the Federated States of Micronesia.

L.R. No. 11-71

Congratulating and honoring Mr. Kalwin L. Kephas in his successful achievement and for his appointment as Secretary of FSM Department of Education.

L.R. No. 11-72

Congratulating the members of the 2015 Kosrae State Debate Team for their exuberant performance upon which they triumphed and garnered the number one seat of the FSM Law Day debate competition.

L.R. No. 11-73

To amend the Rules of Procedure adopted by the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to establish a deadline by which Committtees must report out bills.

L.R. No. 11-74

Commending Mrs. Lorrie Johnson-Asher for her dedicated service to the Office of the Attorney General and the State of Kosrae.

L.R No. 11-75

Approving and adopting the Kosrae State Joint State Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change.

L.R. No. 11-76

Amending the Legislature Rules of Procedure to add a new Rule, Rule 4.11, to provide for the holding of public hearings by Municipal Delegation and related matters.

L.R. No. 11-77

Amending Rule 3.4, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.6 of the Rules of Procedure for Kosrae State Legislature, for purpose of establishing the new Standing Committee of Land and Municipal Affairs.

L.R. No. 11-78

Expressing heartfelt and sincere condolences of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature, on behalf of the people of Kosrae, to the family of the late Bradford-Lee Nena Gifford Nena and Jeremy Nena Gifford Nena, for their untimely passing.

L.R. No. 11-79

Expressing heartfelt and sincere condolences of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature, on behalf of the people of Kosrae, to the family of the late Kesler Jr. Kesler Lakutak, for their untimely passing.

L.R. No. 11-80

Calling the Office of the State Public Auditor to conduct a special audit on Kosrae Housing Authority and Kosrae Visitor's Bureau and to report to Kosrae State Legislature.

L.R. No. 11-81

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Mark A. Jesperson to serve as the Attorney General for the State of Kosrae

L.R. No. 11-82

Urging Governor Lyndon H. Jackson to improve the executive's protocol, coordination, and work regarding legal drafting and submission of bills, resolutions and other measures for legislative consideration.

L.R. No. 11-83

Expressing hearfelt condolences of the members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late beloved mother Mrs. Florence N. Luckymis for her passing.

L.R. No. 11-84

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the bereaved family of the late Herbert "Sialik" R. Timothy for his passing.

L.R. No. 11-85

Expressing Kosrae State Legislature's grave concern of the position of United States Office of Insular Affaris to reduce substantial compact funding for Fiscal Year 2016, the result of which may cause disruption of delivery of essential government functions and services, subjective elimination of government positions and empoyment for local workers, economic and social displacement of many Kosraean families.

L.R. No. 11-86

Expressing heartfelt condolences of the members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislatrure to the family of the late Mrs. Cecilia Kioko Takeo Likiaksa.

L.R. No. 11-87

Urging the State Energy Taskforce and Kosrae Utility Authority to consider expenditure power-line extensions in the State encouraging residents to relocate to higher grounds.

L.R. No. 11-88

Amending the Legislature Rules of Procedure by amending 2.3 to provide that informing the Governor of session's commencement or adjournment is liberal and discretionary, not mandatory; and further to add that the Chief Justice may also be informed if session's commencement or adjournment when and if proper.

L.R. No. 11-89

Urging a joint meeting between the Municipal Government Leaders and the Standing Committee of Land and Municipal Affairs.

L.R. No. 11-90

Setting forth the total funds estimated to be available from the Amended Compact Fund, the United States Grant Fund, the State Revenue Fund and the Foreign Assistance Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016 and requesting the Governor to notify the Legtislature of any changes in the amount available from the funds of the Kosrae State Treasury.

L.R. No. 11-91

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Jeffrey S. Tilfas to serve as the Attorney General for the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-92

Expressing utmost appreciation to Gifford I. Sigrah, Ronny George, Ronald Albert and George C. George who volunteered in the relief efforts towards the restoration of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas after Typhoon Soudelor.

L.R. No. 11-93

Amending Rule 4.8 of the Rules of Procedures for Kosrae State Legislature to improve the procedure governing committee reporting of legislative measures.

L.R. No. 11-94

Calling for support of the esteemed members of the 19th FSM Congress to the nomination of Mrs. Lorrie Johnson-Asher to serve as Chief Public DefenConsenting to the nomination of Mr. Lipar L. George to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae Utility Authority.der for the Federated States of Micronesia.

L.R. No. 11-95

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Isao J. Mike to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae Utility Authority.

L.R No. 11-96

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's congratulations to Senator Robert I. Taulung for being the new Vice President for the Association of the Pacific Island Legislatures (APIL)

L.R. No. 11-97

Requesting urgent assistance from the FSM National Government to help resolve the current financial crisis for Kosrae State Government actuated by JEMCO decision not to fund essential government functions, programs and services.

L.R. No. 11-98

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Norinston Joe to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority.

L.R. No. 11-99

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Ben Jesse to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-100

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Jacob Z. George to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-101

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Grant A. Jonas to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-102

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Patterson B. Benjamin to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-103

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Fores Abraham to serve as a board member of the Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-104

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. McDonald Ittu to serve as a board member of the Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-105

Consenting to the nomination of Rev. Edmond H. Salik to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-106

Endorsing the inner road construction projects as one of the highest infrastructure priority projects for the State of Kosrae and for other purposes.

L.R No. 11-107

Expressing gratitude and appreciation of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to following entities and individuals for sponsoring the Kosrae State Fair 2015 - the Office of the Governor, Department of Resources and Economic Affairs, Kosrae Chamber of Commerce, Pacific Islands Development Bank, Bank of Guam, Bank of the FSM, FSM Development Bank, FSMPC, Tafunsak Municipal Government, Malem Municipal Government, L&H Company, Luen Thai, Mr. Ronny P. Tilfas, Ms. Movida Mumma, Mr. Richard J. Ahraham, Mr. Standon Andrew, Mr. Wilson Allen and Mr. Robert J. Weilbacher.

L.R. No. 11-108

Requesting Kosrae Utility Authority and Governor of Kosrae State to take the necessary actions to extend the power service from Meloh to Las, Tafunsak.

L.R. No. 11-109

Requesting Kosrae Utility Authority and Governor of Kosrae State to take the necessary actions to extend the power service from Wan Utwe to Israc, Utwe.

L.R. No. 11-110

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Vernet S. Waguk to serve as a board member of the Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-111

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Stanley Rafilman to serve as a member of the Kosrae Business Development Council.

L.R. No. 11-112

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Sidney Skilling to serve as a member of the Kosrae Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-113

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Robert Jonas to serve as a member of the Kosrae Education Advisory to the nomination of Mayor Jacob Z. George to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-114

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Nimos Salik to serve as a member of the Kosrae Eduction Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-115

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Jackson Albert to serve as a member of the Kosrae Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-116

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Bruce Andrew to serve as a member of the Kosrae Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-117

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Nena Mike to serve as a member of the Kosrae Business Development Council.

L.R. No. 11-118

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Jonah O. Nena for his passing.

.L.R. No. 11-119

Requesting the Governor to consider retired individuals for vacancies or replacements of boards, commissions or other government agencies membership is required.

L.R. No. 11-120

Amending Article IV, Section 2 and Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Kosrae in order to reduce the number of Senators from fourteen to ten in order to meet the financial demands placed on the State of Kosrae due to the reduction of outside funding.

L.R. No. 11-121

Expressing sincere appreciations and gratitude by the Members of the 11th Kosrae State Legislature to all the donors of goods and services to the 56th Board of Directors meeting held on December 2-4, 2015 in the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-122

Amending Article IV, Section 2 and Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Kosrae in order to reduce the number of Senators from fourteen to ten in order to meet the financial demands placed on the State of Kosrae due to the reduction of outside funding.

L.R. No. 11-123

Endorsing the selection of the Kosrae Airport Terminal Improvement Project and Construction of Inner Roads as Kosrae's top two priorities for the 2016 Development Partners Forum in the FSM, and for other purposes.

L.R. No. 11-124

Urging the Governor of the State of Kosrae to conduct an appraisal and valuation on assests owned by Kosrae Island Development Corporation (KIDCO), formerly known as the SEMO, Micronesia.

L.R. No. 11-125

Requesting the President of the FSM to take the necessary immediate action to seek the expansion of services from Air Nauru to include the transporation of mail to and from Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-126

Requesting the FSM National Government to Transfer ownership and control of the National Aquarium Center in Kosrae to Kosrae State Government.

L.R. No. 11-127

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's sincere appreciation to Mr. Tosie K. Elley for his years of dedicated services to the Kosrae State Legislature until his resignation on November 30, 2015.

L.R. No. 11-128

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's sincerest congratulations to Associate Justice Chang B. William for being the first ever sitting Judge to pass the FSM Supreme Court Bar Exam.

L.R. No. 11-129

Expressing heartfelt condolences of the members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family and friends of the late Reverend Takumi R. George.

L.R. No. 11-130

Calling for the support of the esteemed members of the 19th FSM Congress to the nomination of Mr. Rensley A. Sigrah to serve as the Public Auditor for the Federated States of Micronesia.

L.R. No. 11-131

Requesting the  Governor to seek assistance from the FSM Department of Foreign Affairs to coduct on-island training for all appropriate Government offices and agencies requring proper protocol and diplomatic formality.

L.R. No. 11-132

Calling upon the Office of the State Public Auditor to conduct a special audit on the Kosrae Industrial Development Company (KIDCo.) and to report to the Kosrae State Legislature.

L.R. No. 11-133

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Harry Jackson to serve as a board member of the Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-134

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Marston Luckymis to serve as a board member of the Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-135

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Lugo Skilling to serve as a board member of the Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-136

Amending Article IV, Section 2 and Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Kosrae in order to reduce the number of Senators from fourteen to ten in order to meet the financial demands placed on the State of Kosrae due to the reduction of outside funding.

L.R. No. 11-137

Consenting to the nomination of Ms. Shrue C. Lonno to serve as a board member of the Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-138

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Walter A. Asher to serve as a board member of the Housing Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-139

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Derrick Joseph to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-140

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Kun K. Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Visitors Bureau Board.

L.R No. 11-141

Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Vinton Benjamin.

L.R. No. 11-142

Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Clarence W. Tulenkun.

L.R. No. 11-143

Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Maxon P. Nena.

L.R. No. 11-144

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Osamu M. Nedlic to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-145

Respectfully requesting the Governor of the State of Kosrae to delcare a State of Emergency to mitigate and prepare the State for the adverse impacts of El Nino'.

L.R. No. 11-146

Inviting the Honorable Aliksa B. Aliksa, Chief Justice of Kosrae State Court, to present his annual State of Judiciary before the Kosrae State Legislature.

L.R. No. 11-147

To request the Executive Branch of the Kosrae State Government to amend the regulations on Fill and Construct Projects below the high water mark to provide for a voiding of the lease and waiver of the approval a landowner has received to fill in and construct on the marine space if the landowner fails to begin to fill in and construct within five years of receving the necessary approval.

L.R. No. 11-148

Calling upon the Attorney General of the State of Kosrae to file a motion to remand the expungement of case record authorized by the Kosrae State Court.

L.R. No. 11-149

To recognize and honor Mr. Daniel T. Thompson of Lelu Municipality for his many years of dedicated service to the Kosrae State Government and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-150

Requesting the Governor to instruct the Sports Council to establish and initiate the selection criteria for the athletes who will represent the State of Kosrae to the 2018 Micronesian Games to be held in Yap, FSM.

L.R. No. 11-151

To supplement L.R. No. 11-90, by increasing the total funds estimated to be available from the Amended Compact Fund and the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016.

L.R. No. 11-152

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's sincere appreciation to Mrs. Sra T. Wabol for her dedicated service as an educator in the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-153

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Andy Andrew to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae Housing Authority.

L.R. No. 11-154

Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Bolly T. Andrew.

L.R. No. 11-155

Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Jason F. Sigrah.

L.R. No. 11-156

Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Sam R. Osteen.

L.R. No. 11-157

Extending gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Doug and Sally Beitz for their role in promoting and supporting the economic growth of Kosrae through their quality services to the people and visitors of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-158

Extending gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Doug and Sally Beitz for their role in promoting and supporting the economic growth of Kosrae through their quality services to the people and visitors of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-159

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's profound gratitude to the Nineteenth Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, particularly the two Congressmen from Kosrae, for their financial support in subsidizing essential services, programs and projects in the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-160

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Linson Waguk to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Utility Authority.

L.R. No. 11-161

Consenting to the nominaton of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Industrial Development Co., also known as SEMO-Micronesia, Inc.

L.R. No. 11-162

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Harry Seymour to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Industrial Development Co., also known as SEMO-Micronesia, Inc.

L.R. No. 11-163

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Joas T. Palsis to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-164

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Alik I. Jonathan to serve as a member of the Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-165

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Chang B. William to serve as the Chief Justice for the Kosrae State Court.

L.R. No. 11-166

To supplement L.R. No. 11-90, as further supplement by L.R. No. 11-151, L.D.1, by increasing the total funds estimated to be available from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016.

L.R. No. 11-167

Asking the Governor of Pohnpei to consider making a gift to Kosrae State of the Pohnpei State land that has for many years been leased by Kosrae State from the State of Pohnpei or amending the current lease to provide for a nominal rent for the land.

L.R. No. 11-168

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Reverend Tadasy A. Sigrah, a former member of the Kosrae State Legislature, for his passing.

L.R. No. 11-169

Extending gratitude and appreciation to Mrs. Lorenzo Mongkeya and her daugthers, Shirley Mongkeya and Gloriana Mongkeya for their generous assistance and warm hospitality to the players and coaches representing Kosrae State to the 2016 Micronesian Baseball Classic held in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI).

L.R. No. 11-170

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the 11th Kosrae State Legislature to Ms. Ann M. Noda and family for the untimely passing of a husband, father and a close friend, the late Mr. Paulino C. Weilbacher.

L.R. No. 11-171

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the 11th Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Ms. Oleander-Sepe Jacob Henry for her untimely passing.

L.R. No. 11-172

Paying respect and giving gratitude to the late Jefferson M. Timothy; and expressing sincere condolences to the family of the late Jefferson M. Timothy, who was: a son; a Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy; a Chief of Police for Kosrae; a former Senator from Malem Municipality to the Kosrae State Legislature; a leader in the community; and husband; and a father.

L.R. No. 11-173

Congratulating and commending The Honorable Wilson J. Allen, Kosrae Land Court Associate Judge for his retirement and many years of service to the Kosrae Land Court and the Kosrae State Government.

L.R. No. 11-174

Approving the lease of the State public land to the Micronesian Legal Services Corporation.

L.R. No. 11-175

Congradulating and commending The Honorable Aliksa B. Aliksa, Kosrae State Court Chief Justice for his retirement and many years of service to Kosrae State Government and to the legal profession.

L.R. No. 11-176

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Charlton M. Timothy to serve as the Associate Justice for the Kosrae State Court.

L.R. No. 11-177

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Marris K. Jackson to serve as the Associate Justice for the Kosrae Land Court.

L.R. No. 11-178

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's utmost appreciation to Mr. Reynold Seymour of Tafunsak Municipality for his many years of dedicated services as an educator to the Tafunsak Elementary School and to the Kosrae State Government and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-179

Approving the lease of the State Public land to Mr. Mac Tokuhara and Mrs. Nemily M. Tokuhara.

L.R. No. 11-180

Setting forth the total funds estimated to be available from the Amended Compact Fund, the United States Grant Fund, the State Revenue Fund and the Foreign Assistance Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017 and requesting the Governor to notify the Legislature of any change in the amount available from the funds of the Kosrae State Treasury.

L.R. No. 11-181

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's utmost appreciation to Mrs. Carrie H. Sigrah of Tafunsak Municipality for her many years of dedicated services as an educator to the Kosrae High School and to the Kosrae State Government and to wish her continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-182

Recognizing the threats post to coastal communities and their fishery by the industrial commercial fishery and calling for the FSM Congress to pass legislation(s) prohibiting commercial fisheries within twelve miles of the Twelve Mile Zone within state jurisdiction, equivalent to twenty-four (24) miles from the coastal baseline, and for other purposes. 

L.R. No. 11-183

Requesting the Kosrae Delegation to the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia to consider amending Public Law No. 19-121 to provide a subsity for the Division of Agriculture Development under the Kosrae State Department of Resources and Economic Affairs in the amount of $50,000 from the $100,000 appropriated for the Agriculture projects/programs in the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-184

Respectfully requesting the Branch Heads of the Kosrae State Government and applicable offices to effectively comply with and enforce the requirements under Section 2.901 of Title 2, Chapter 9 of the Kosrae State Code.

L.R. No. 11-185

Approving the lease of the State Public Land to Mr. Higgin Weilbacher and Mrs. Ann H. Weilbacher.

L.R. No. 11-186

Approving the lease of the State Public Land to Mr. Likiak L. Benjamin.

L.R. No. 11-187

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's utmost appreciation to the Bank of Guam-Kosrae Branch for selecting the Walung Elementary School in the Municipality of Tafunsak to receive the Bank of Guam "random act of kindness" donation.

L.R. No. 11-188

Proposing and amendment to the Kosrae State Constitution, Article V, Section 2, to remove the need for a special election among candidates running for Governor and Lieutenant Governor.

L.R. No. 11-189

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Rensley A. Sigrah to serve as the member of the FSM Petroleum Corporation Board of Directors representing Kosrae State Government.

L.R. No. 11-190

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Adelyn Noda to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.

L.R. No. 11-191

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Maver Jonathan to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.

L.R No. 11-192

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Skiller Jackson to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.

L.R. No. 11-193

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Yamato Melander to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.

L.R. No. 11-194

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Marbe Martin to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.

L.R. No. 11-195

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Betty Phillip to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Parole Board.

L.R No. 11-196

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Livingston James to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarhip Board.

L.R. No. 11-197

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-198

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Andy George to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-199

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Hermis Tosie to serve as a board member of the Broadcasting Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-200

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Truman Wakuk to serve as member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-201

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Bob Skilling to serve as the Director of the Department of the Transporation and Infrastructure.

L.R. No. 11-202

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Allerson Alik to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-203

Expressing deepest gratitude to the Lelu Elementary School, most especially its Fifth Grade Students and Teacher for their visit and the generous donation of local fruits to the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislatures.

L.R. No. 11-204

Amending the Kosrae State Legislature Rules of Procedure by adding a new Rule 5.2.10 to require the Chief Clerk to read out loud the subject title of each measures before it is voted on.

L.R. No. 11-205

Consenting to the nominaton of Mr. Barnabus Palsis to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Parole Board.

L.R. No. 11-206

Requesting the Governor and the leadership of the State of Kosrae to sustain the services of Air Nauru to Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-207

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Truman Wakuk to serve as member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-208

Respectfully urging the Leadership of the Tafunsak Municipal Government to forgive the outstanding balance currently owed by the State of Kosrae from accumalative fuel tax shares from the fiscal year 2010 and 2015.

L.R. No. 11-209

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilson L. Kephas to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-210

Consenting the the nomination of Mr. Fletcher Tulensru to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority.

L.R. No. 11-211

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Daniel Thompson to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-212

Consenting the the nomination of Mr. Presley P. Charley to serve as a member of the Kosrae Business Development Council.

L.R. No. 11-213

Respectfully urging the Govenror of the State of Kosrae to initiate the relocation of the City Pro vessel from the Lelu lagoon.

L.R. No. 11-214

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Semeon J. Phillip to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae State Housing Authority.

L.R. No. 11-215

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the 11th Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Mayor Ben Jesse for his passing.

L.R. No. 11-216

Urging the Office of the FSM President, the FSM Congress and appropriate Offices at the FSM National Government to revisit and make appropriate modifications to their regulations and policies governing the disbursement of funds for public projects appropr

L.R. No. 11-217

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Truman Wakuk to serve as member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-218

Endorsing the Kosrae State Governor and the Speaker to act on behalf of the Kosrae State Government in taking all necessary means consistent with the law to acquire the shares of Mr. In Ho Jung and become the sole shareholder of KIDCO.

L.R. No. 11-219

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Truman Wakuk to serve as member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-220

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilson S. Taulung to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-221

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Ilai D. Abraham to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-222

Recognizing and honoring the Vice Speaker of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Nitihela (Parliament), the Honorable Jetwadrik Anton, on his visit to the State of Kosrae to join the Yokwe Association of Kosrae, in celebrating the Republic of the Marshall Islands Independence Day.

L.R. No. 11-223

Requesting the Governor, Speaker and Chief Justice provide full support and assistance to this year's debate team, representing Kosrae High School and the State of Kosrae to the annual Law Day Debate to be held in Chuuk State, FSM on July 12, 2017.

L.R. No. 11-224

Urging the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) to consider further amending Title 54 of the FSM Code at Section 805 thereof, as amended by Public Law No. 18-107 to allow 10% of the additional 20% distribution under subsection (A) of that section, deposited by the Treasurer of the Federated States of Micronesia into the State sub-account "A" of the FSM Trust Fund to be deposited into the Treasury for Kosrae State.

L.R. No. 11-225

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Stoney S. Taulung to continue to serve as the Public Auditor for the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-226

Expressing appreciation and gratitude to the United States Postal Services (USPS) and the United Airlines for their colleborative efforts in delivering 416 pieces of mail through Special Asia Pacific Airlines Flight 319 on December 23, 2016.

L.R. No. 11-227

Respectfully requesting that the Governor and the Leadership of the State of Kosrae give favorable consideration to the Utwe Municipal Government's request to obtain legal ownership of the Utwe-Walung Marine Park located at Sacklem Section of Utwe Municipality.

L.R. No. 11-228

Respectfully requesting that the Governor and the Leadership of the State of Kosrae give favorable consideration to the Utwe Municipal Government's request to obtain legal ownership of the Utwe Elementary School located at Inyacah Section of Utwe Municipality.

L.R. No. 11-229

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilson S. Taulung to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-230

Expressing sincere condolences of the members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Honorable Ready E. Johnny, Associate Justice for the FSM Supreme Court.

L.R. No. 11-231

Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.

L.R. No. 11-232

Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Mr. Alik G. Jackson for his efforts and contribution to the Kosrae Debate Team's win at the 2017 National Law Day Debate.

L.R. No. 11-233

Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's appreciation to Mr. Benjamin Rasmussen for his efforts and contribution to the Kosrae Debate Team's win at the 2017 National Law Day Debate.

L.R. No. 11-234

Thanking the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Kosrae for their continued generous support to the people of Kosrae most especially for their contribution of canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs to the "disabled" and "elderly".

L.R No. 11-235

Requesting the Governor to consider to fill the vacant position of Assocaite Justice for the Kosrae State Court.

L.R. No. 11-236

Expressing sincere congratulations to the Kosrae Little League All-Star Team for winning the 2017 Little League All-Star Tournament held in Pohnpei State.

L.R. No. 11-237

Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Peter P. Tilfas.

L.R No. 11-238

Commending and recognizing the exemplary military achievment of Second Lieutenant Jack Jack Kun.

L.R. No. 11-239

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's sincere appreciation to Ms. Ann M. Noda for her years of dedicated services to the Kosrae State Legislature until her resignation on August 4, 2017.

L.R. No. 11-240

Expressing the sadness and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature for the eternal passing of a national hero; a Climate Change Ambassador and former Minister, te late Mr. Tony DeBrum, and further conveying their sympahty to the family of late Mr. DeBrum.

L.R. No. 11-241

Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.

L.R. No. 11-242

Expressing heartfelt condolences and sympathy of the Memebrs of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature for the eternal passing of a former State Senator and a father, the late Mrs. Kiyus A. Jackson.

L.R. No. 11-243

Expressing deepest condolences and sympathy by the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to family members and relatives of a loved mother, the late Anna Brightly Aliksa for her eternal passing.

L.R. No. 11-244

Endorsing the Privatization Master Plan for the Kosrae State Government.

L.R. No. 11-245

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Jim A. Abraham to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-246

Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.

L.R. No. 11-247

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Alokoa E. Sigrah to serve as a member of the Kosrae Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-248

Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.

L.R. No. 11-249

Consenting to the re-nomination of Ms. Ann Noda to serve as a member of the Kosrae Price Control Commission.

L.R. No. 11-250

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Nena K. William to serve as a member of the Kosrae Price Control Commission.

L.R. No. 11-251

Setting forth the total funds estimated to be available from the Amended Compact Fund, the United States Grant Fund, the State Revenue Fund and the Foreign Assstance Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 and requesting the Governor to notify the Legislature of any changes in the amount available from the funds of the Kosrae State Treasury.

L.R. No. 11-252

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Skipper Ittu to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.

L.R No. 11-253

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Vinton Benjamin to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-254

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Andriet R. Tilfas to serve as a member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.

L.R. No. 11-255

Ameding the Rules of the Kosrae State Legislature, Section 5.3.11 of the Administrative Rules of Procedures, to modify the disallowing provisions to become allowable as stated herein.

L.R. No. 11-256

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's utmost appreciation and honor to Mr. Marbe Martin of Tafunsak Municipality for his many years of dedicated service as an educator and staff to the Department of Eduction and to the Kosrae State Government and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-257

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's utmost appreciation and honor to Mr. Clarenson Nena of Tafunsak Municipality for his many years of dedicated service as an educator and staff to the Department of Eduction and to the Kosrae State Government and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.

L.R. No. 11-258

Approving the lease agreement between the Kosrae State Government and Liancheng Overseas Fishery Co., Ltd.

L.R. No. 11-259

Approving and consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. John P. Sigrah to serve as Board Member of the FSMTC Board of Directors.

L.R. No. 11-260

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the FSM Trust Fund Board of Trustees.

L.R. No. 11-261

Requesting that the Branch heads for the four (4) States of the Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae and Yap) convene to a National Leadership Conference prior to any international, regional and national Conferences.

L.R. No. 11-262

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's heartfelt condolences of the passing of former Director of the Department of Transporation and Infrastructure (DT&I), Mr. Weston N. Luckymis; and its utmost appreciation for his many years of dedicated services to the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-263

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Reverend Natchuo P. Andrew for his passing.

L.R. No. 11-264

Approving the lease of the State Public Land to Mrs. Penina T. Kinere.

L.R. No. 11-265

Urging the Chief Justice to make the necessary increase on Court fines for select misdemeanor offenses.

L.R. No. 11-266

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the FSM Trust Fund Board of Trustees.

L.R. No. 11-267

Acknowledging and expressing the deepest appreciation of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature for the generous and proficient assistance provided by Vice President Yosiwo P. George of the Federated States of Micronesia to the Kosrae Delegation during a recent trip to the State of Pohnpei.

L.R No. 11-268

Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late William K. Palik for his passing.

L.R. No. 11-269

Approving the lease agreement between the State of Kosrae and Mr. Natchuo W. Thomas & Mrs. MaryRuth N. Thomas regarding public land parcel number 056-1-20.

L.R. No. 11-270

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legisalture's deepest gratitude and appreciation to the Ayuda Foundation, for its generous donation to the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-271

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Edmond H Salik to serve as Assocaite Justice for the Kosrae State Court.

L.R. No. 11-272

Expressng the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Senator Morgan S. Jonas for his passing.

L.R. No. 11-273

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's heartfelt condolences of the passing of the State Forester, Mr. Erick E. Waguk; and its utmost appreciation for his many years of dedicated services to the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-274

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the FSM Trust Fund Board of Trustees.

L.R. No. 11-275

Urging the Kosrae Election Commission to designate special polling places outside the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-276

Congratulating the Kosrae Tennis Team players and their coaches for their outstanding performance during the 2017 FSM Junior Tennis Qualifier tournament held between Pohnpei State and Kosrae State in Pohnpei.

L.R. No. 11-277

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Linson Waguk to serve as a member of the Price Control Committee.

L.R. No. 11-278

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Shrue W. Kephas to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Price Control Committee.

L.R. No. 11-279

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Foster Waguk to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-280

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Fores Abraham to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-281

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. McDonald Ittu to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.

L.R No. 11-282

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Eterny Edwin to serve as a Member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-283

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Keitson Jonas to serve as a Member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-284

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Ruben K. Charley to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-285

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Fores Abraham to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-286

Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Canston Segal to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-287

Amending the Kosrae State Legislature Rules of Procedure at Rule 4.2.6 E. by changing the name of the Standing Committee on Judiciary & Governmental Operations to the Standing Committee on Judiciary, Veterans & Governmental Operations to include all matters pertaining to United States Armed Forces' Veterans of Kosrae to be considered, investigated or recommended by the Committee.

L.R. No. 11-288

Urging the Honorable Governor to appoint a resident of the electoral district of Malem to fill the vacancy of the Malem delegation seats with the Kosrae State Legislature.

L.R. No. 11-289

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's congratuations to Mrs. Shanty S. Asher for successfully completing law school.

L.R. No. 11-290

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's sincerest condolences of the passing of the late former Speaker Hiteo S. Shrew; and its utmost appreciation for his many years of dedicated services to the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-291

Amending the Kosrae State Legislature Rules of Procedure at Rule 5.2.4 and Rule 5.2.7 to require secret ballot vote to be used as the voting method for advice and consent appointment or nomination.

L.R. No. 11-292

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Osamu Nedlic to serve as a Member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-293

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Marston Luckymis to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-294

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Harry Jackson to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-295

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Shiro A. Sigrah to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.

L.R. No. 11-296

Endorsing the Mahkontowe Area (MCA) Plan for Kosrae State Government.

L.R No. 11-297

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Derick Joseph to serve as a Board Member of Kosrae Island Resource and Management Authority.

L.R. No. 11-298

To supplement L.R. No. 11-251, by increasing the total estimated to be available from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018.

L.R. No. 11-299

Approving the land lease agreement between Kosrae State Government and Mr. Ginn P. Nena.

L.R. No. 11-300

A resolution urging the Governor to issue a decision within time in the matter of the application for training leave of Government Employee Dison T. Kephas.

L.R. No. 11-301

A resolution initiating proceedings to bring the Micronesia Games 2022 to the FSM State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-302

Consenting to the nomination of Reverend Inston R. Alokoa to serve as a Board Member of Kosrae Island Resource and Management Authority.

L.R. No. 11-303

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Joyminda P. George to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-304

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Marciano Wakuk to serve as a Member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.

L.R. No. 11-305

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's congratulations to the Kosrae Wrestling Federation team for their exceptional achievments in the 2018 Ocenia Wrestling Champion competition held in the Territory of Guam.

L.R. No. 11-306

Calling the Office of the Public Auditor to conduct a special audit on Kosrae Port Authority and to report to the Kosrae State Legislature.

L.R. No. 11-307

Approving the land lease agreement between Kosrae State Government and Mr. George A. Tilfas.

L.R. No. 11-308

Requesting financial assistance from the Kosrae Delegation of the Twentieth Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, particulary the two Congressmen from Kosrae, to fund all small grants, programs and activities de-funded under JEMCO Resolution 2019 for Fiscal Year 2019 and beyond.

L.R. No. 11-309

Congratulating the United Airlines (Continental Micronesia Inc.) on its Fiftieth (50th) Anniversary celebration of servicing the FSM States, and commending the staff and management for their dedicated work and contributions to the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-310

Approving the lease agreement between the State of Kosrae and Da Yang Seafood Inc.

L.R. No. 11-311

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilson D. Kephas to serve as a board member of the Kosrae State Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-312

Approving the lease agreement between the Government of Kosrae State and Mr. Shiro A. Sigrah

L.R. No. 11-313

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Fores Abraham to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.

L.R. No. 11-314

Consenting to the re-nomination of Mayor Jacob Z. George to serve as a member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-315

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William K. William to serve as a Board Member of the Kosrae Island Resources and Management Authority.

L.R. No. 11-316

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's profound gratitude  and utmost appreciation to Mrs. Gwendolyn San Nicolas, Bank of Guam Kosrae Branch Manager, for her dedicated services to the State and the People of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-317

Approving the lease agreement between the Government of Kosrae State and Mr. Steve Y. George.

L.R. No. 11-318

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Merinda F. Waguk to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-319

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's profound gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Hanlin L. Charley of Malem Municiplaity for his dedicated services to the State and the People of Kosrae until his recent retirement on May 31, 2018.

L.R. No. 11-320

Approving the lease agreement between the Government of Kosrae State and Mr. Robson M. Henry.

L.R. No. 11-321

Recognizing and congratulating the Green Banana Paper for its remarkable achievments and for receiving the "Best in Show" award at the Affordable Shopping Destination (ASD) Market Week tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nevada.

L.R. No. 11-322

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Hilman George to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-323

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Shrue Lonno to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Education Advisory Board.

L.R. No. 11-324

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's acknowledgement and support for the adoption of Congressional Resolution No. 20-87 to adopt the FSM Protected Areas Network Policy Framework and its associated Country Program Strategy.

L.R No. 11-325

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's profound gratitude to the Micronesian Legal Services Corporation, Kosrae Office, and its partners for successfully hosting and completing the FSM Bar Study Course in Kosrae from July 3-6, 2018.

L.R. No. 11-326

Recognizing and congratulating the Green Banana Paper for its remarkable achievments and for receiving the "Best in Show" award at the Affordable Shopping Destination (ASD) Market Week tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nevada.

L.R. No. 11-327

Requesting the Office of the Public Auditor to conduct an audit of the Finkol to Yelum Road Improvement project fund.

L.R No. 11-328

Respectfully requesting the Honorable Governor of the State of Kosrae to promote and priortize farmer's produce by encouraging Department of Health services to priortize purchasing from local farmers.

L.R. No. 11-329

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Robinson H. Timothy to serve as Associate Justice for the Kosrae State Court.

L.R. No. 11-330

Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Evelyn B. Palik to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-331

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's profound gratitude to Mr. Simpson Abraham and Ms. Lavernie Pretrick of the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme in the Federated States of Micronesia, for their courtesy visit to the Kosrae State Legislature to meet with the Honorable Members; and for cordially requesting that community leaders encourage their organizations to apply for GEF-SGP grants.

L.R. No. 11-332

Setting forth the total funds estimated to be available from the Amended Compact Fund, the United States Grant Fund, the State Revenue Fund and the Foreign Assistance Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019 and requesting the Governor to notify the Legislature of any changes in the amount available from the funds of the Kosrae State Treasury.

L.R. No. 11-333

Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's profound gratitude and appreciation to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China (PROC) in the Federated States of Micronesia for their continued donations and support to the people of Kosrae through project funding in the State of Kosrae.

L.R. No. 11-334

Urging the President of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia seek resolution to the potential adverse impacts of the phasing out of the Amended Compact of Free Assocation towards U.S. domestic programs, such as the United States Postal Services.

L.R. No. 11-335

Approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of Kosrae State and Mrs. Antilise Y. George

L.R. No. 11-336

Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Darrel D. Thomson to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Election Commission.

L.R. No. 11-337

Approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of Kosrae State and Mr. Steve Y. George.

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